Pet Care Tips That Will Keep You and Your Pet Happy Forever By Dr Shally There is a growing trend, specially in the metros, to keep pets at home. It is heartening to see so many people caring about pets and pets getting all the love and affection. What disappoints sometimes is an utter lack of awareness when it comes to raising a pet at home. Many of us are not aware of simple do’s and don’ts of pet care and end of doing epic random mistakes. In Today’s Busy Life What Are The Kinds Of Pets That People Prefer To Keep Pandemic has changed a lot of perspectives in general. Work from home has made people more and more nuclear they don’t have time to take their pets for walks, rides, and socialization. Because of the constraint of space in flats in high-rise buildings, they want to keep a pet that requires low maintenance and could be managed in less space. Big dogs require large space and require a lot of time to engage so people are preferring small breeds and cat...